How to Get There

How to get from Václav Havel Airport Prague to Pilsen

There is no direct connection between Prague Airport and Pilsen. It is necessary to take a bus from Prague-Airport to Prague-Zličín bus station and then direct bus from Prague-Zličín to Pilsen. The best way is to book a ticket from Prague-Zličín to Pilsen on this website: Reservation will be possible from the end of July.

How to book the ticket

  • Tick „One way ticket“ or „Return ticket“ as you request
  • Choose station of departure: Praha, Zličín
  • Choose station of arrival: Plzeň, CAN (Central Bus Station)
  • Enter Departure (and Return departure) dates
  • Enter number of passengers
  • Choose Adult or ISIC or another option
  • Click on Search
  • Now you can see available connections. When choosing the time of departure from Prague, Zličín, please note that the journey from Prague Airport to Prague, Zličín takes aprox. 20 minutes. Considering waiting time for public bus and possible delay when waiting for your checked baggage we recommend to choose the departure time one hour after your scheduled arrival as a minimum.
  • You select your ticket(s) by clicking on the chosen connection(s)
  • Now click on „purchase“
  • Choose your seat (for both journeys)
  • Tick „I agree with transport conditions etc.“
  • Now your reservation is confirmed and you can proceed to payment by card

Do not forget to print your ticket and bring it to the bus!

How to get from Prague Airport to Prague, Zličín

When you get off the arrival lounge outside the Airport you will see bus stops. Find a bus stop where you can see bus No. 100. To buy a ticket for public transportation use the yellow ticket machine located near the bus stop. Buy one ticket for 24 CZK. Then validate the ticket in the machine in the bus. The journey takes 18 minutes and you will get off at the terminal station Zličín. When you get off the bus number 100 all you need to do is find the bus stop number 1 and wait for a big yellow bus „Student Agency“. There is a steward to assist you.